Women Lose In A Relationship

April 15, 2009

1. You may have gotten yourself college education, but you are hurried to marry a few years after getting a job and soon you’ll lose any business contacts you made and shall lose that business savvy edge as you focus on ‘supporting’ your husband and raising the kids
2. your expected to throw your surname to oblivion as you marry and assume your husband’s name
3. you’re hoping that God favors you by giving you a baby boy or else your husband is going to secretly resent you for bearing a girl (that’s the only way his name can ‘live on’).
4. you hope and pray that your husband doesn’t end up molesting your children, or cheating on you, or working 60 to 80 hours a week (workaholic), or beat you when he loses his temper, or kill you and the children if you ask for a divorce, or a an alcoholic, or a closet gay
5. He expects you to take the birth control pill, even though he knows that it has harmful side effects/health risks to her body.
6. he won’t even consider flipping a coin for him getting a vasectomy or you getting your tubes tied

What I hate about my people, the Hispanics/Latinos

February 14, 2009

1. Although our people were here long before the “white” people, white peopled have managed to create a government that provides the best redress system (consider the corruption of Latin American countries)
2. Are filthy pigs because they tend not to sweep the public sidewalk in front of their property
3. Have no taste for choosing colors for their place of business and prefer to hand-paint their business sign
4. Have no taste for choosing colors for their homes
5. Have no clue as to pruning trees, and landscaping thier garden
6. Are afraid, indifferent, or clueless as to community services or else they’d call the city hotline to come and erase grafitti or unplug a clogged sewer
7. are afraid of voting, perhaps because they’d have to check their hearts as to what they believe and why they beleive it
8. Have no sense of what a garage is for and a front yard is for, often hording and/or storing items in the front yard as if it were an open garage
9. feel that they are slave-masters by the way they yell at their kids
10. Give a shit about the environment or their children’s future condition of the planet, for if they did, they wouldn’t change their car’s oil so carelessly
11. don’t give a shit about the environment or their children’s future world because they spill engine oil on the ground as they change their car’s oil
12. are unable to run a government that moves beyond their own continent, otherwise, we would not have been conquered by the white man, whose administration extends beyond it’s own motherland and unto other’s own nation
13. have nothing to contribute musically, from the 1980’s-2009, since what we listen to is overwhelmingly Afro-centric, as if we are dead to our own native sounds, sounds before the advent of white and afro peoples
14. don’t realize that “order” and the “rule of law” is what has brought the white man to mastery over other peoples, and this means that the native american, because he is overwhelmingly not “just” has lost dominion over his own land
15. fails to understand the concept of demonstration and voting, for if we did, we would rise to the point of representation and the betterment of our schools, parks, employee benefits and justice system
16. beleive that education is an evil instrument of the white man, when in fact, education has always been a tool of any elite amongst any top echelon peoples of the world
17. our own peoples have “bullies” who use chaos as a way to control others since these “bullies” call “education” an instrument of the white man, lack of education must be, according to their logic, a native way of life, when in fact, it is a tool used to keep others from introducing logic and reasoning as a higher form of being, and not a “white man’s” way. In other words, the Aztec calendar, which is the most accurate in the world, exists because our culture once prized math, not ignorance as does the subversive “gang” culture, who accuses a fellow hispanic with excellent school grades as wanting to be “white”.

What I hate about Afro-Americans

February 14, 2009

1. On public transit, they speak loudly to their friends, or if on the phone, speak loudly; they’ll use cuss words; they’ll snort their nose mucus
2. Hate their naturally curly hair because they’ll straighen it
3. Don’t beleive in the father of their children to live as a family unit
4. Believe that “educated” means becoming “white” when in fact, the great pyramids of Egypt, were built on the math “calculus”, and their language was hyroglyphs, a very sophisticated language form
5. Believe that speaking in an accent other than ghetto is to become “white”
6. See physical confrontation as the first method of communication
7. Don’t realize that North America was first populated by native americans yet Minister Farakahn calls for a portion of the USA to be allotted to them
8. Don’t take seriously the 40 acres and a mule, for if they did, the government would have to give it to them
9. Don’t involve themselves with community politics, for if they did, the conditon of South Central would change, and they’d have to change too, from their soul, outward

Depression & the Intellectual & Bookworn Type

December 18, 2008

I’ve read so much on so many topics, but one thing that I can say about depression, is that you must speak-up and speak your mind. I suffer from depression, and my youngest brother suffers from depression and schizophrenia. In observing him, and talking with him about his struggles in life, and in recalling a Twilight Zone episode wherein this bookworm (Burgess Meredith), is the last one alive on Earth yet he finds himself rejoicing in being alone with books, I find that the road to happiness with yourself and people lies in reading less, while standing up for yourself more. Speak Up! Read books, yes. But speak your mind, (Respectfully, of course).
This bookworm and social misfit, Burgess, stumbles upon the ruins of a public library. The books are intact, and so he rejoices that he finally has all the time in the world to read all the books he can sink his mind into. So, now he can learn and know everything there is to know! Tragically, he missteps and brakes his reading glasses. He cries and cries. He’s missed the truth of life: read books, yes, but a maturity of mind comes when you apply what you have read. So many people don’t muster courage to speak up! You’ve armed yourself with knowledge, now apply it! See, there’s the difficulty! Knowledge is a dead tool without expression! SPEAK UP! This alone shall get rid of 80% of your depression. My brother suffered from shcizophrenia. But he suffered more from lack of COURAGE. He read and read and read, never wanting to leave the house because he wanted to become “perfect” in knowledge before he stepped out the door. No one is gifted in perfect knowledge, but we can apply the principles of self-respect and they shall get us out the door, successful interaction with people and progress our lives.
2. For any human to dissipate depression, what must be done on a daily basis, is: 1. laugh heartily and outloud at something that truly is hysterical, but the problem lies in finding that source that speaks to the very foundation of your being; 2. receive an epiphany from God; 3. receive enough love from God in the morning to cover the days trajedies; 4. see your mistakes; 5. see the beauty of the world; 6. see your purpose in adding to the beauty in the world; 7. see the beauty in yourself that God has set aside particularly your own and no-one elses

Incest & Molestation

December 18, 2008

I was molested at such a young age, I must have been 4 or 5. I stroked my father’s penis and so did my sister. My father had locked, so we could not be found out. Even then, I knew this act was different.
My brothers paired off with my sister and I. In our seperate rooms, we kissed, imitating the actions of adults who share the “mystical” act of touching so “intimately”.
As I contemplate the show “friends”, I think of how it follows in the steps of a sort of incestous line of action. The super cool clique are “there” for each other, and then, just like hillbilly’s, they pair off: Monica with Chandler, Rachel with Ross. If that weren’t enough, Joey tries to get with all the girls in the show.
On a tangent, does anyone agree that they are so self-absorbed/centered since every time the group appears in the coffee shop, they are seated in the center of the room–the center couch. It’s as if the couch scares everyone else off until they arrive, saving itself untill their arrival.

Terri Brighton: I’m Pregnant, so Marry Me!

December 15, 2008

Terri was a USMC marine back in ’86 who dated a fellow marine from the same office. They dated for a year and a half and then she became pregnant. The gossip was that he didn’t love her. But it was the 80’s and the economy was poor, and he didn’t have much options: remain single and get out of military and pay out the nose for child support, or stay in service, look like “a man” by marrying (a girl he didn’t love), and get out of poverty by re-enlisting, receive promotions because he had just married and had babies on the way, (the coinicidence in the military, as regards promotions) was that as soon as someone married or had children, they were up for promotions.
Was their relationship that bad? And aren’t most relationships this way? I heard them argue once as they walked shoulder to shoulder, they couldn’t have been pressed against each other any tighter. I think they were trying to keep up the facade of persons in a “relationship”. She blurted “Fuck you!” And he blurted back “Fuck you!” as they passed me shoulder to shoulder, so in love. On another occassion, again, the love-bugs walking side by side, she yelled in despreration, and in a manner suggesting that he must come up with an answer or submit to her solution, “Who’s gonna want me?!” In my mind, I thought: “You willingly opened your legs, and now you don’t want to pay the consequences? How is your problem, his problem? And “Do you really want a marriage based on pressuring the guy” Why Terri, are you ignoring where you met him? In the military! Wherein most girls are gorillas and the men have no choice but these ugly chicks! How else do you think he would ever hook up with a midget like Terri?
Funny how they’ve not had any children since the twins. Aren’t they supposed to be fruitful and multiply? And I wonder if they’ve had a real wedding since? And I wonder if he remembers anniversary’s and such. God, is this a real marriage? And do most marriages work under these outside pressures and desire not to be alone?
You’ve heard of the brotherhood of man. But what about the allegiance between women? Shouldn’t a single girl respect the institution of marriage? Not always. What allegiance does a single woman hold to another woman in a marraige? None, when the married woman has forced the guy to marry her under pressure.
It may sound altruistic, but we’ve all heard about the girl who tells the boyfriend that they must part because he truly doesn’t love her. She breaks up with him! Some men are so scared of being alone that they’ll be with anyone that will have them, but when a special girl comes along, he’ll cheat. But no, Terri belongs to that class of women that shall put up with a lifetime of cheating, thereby missing out on meeting the right guy that can truly love her by being faithful. Incidentally, she is sabotaging Joseph. How can he find his true love, when he is married, even though he be married out of compromise. He may be afraid of the alternative: years of being alone and going back on the dating circuit. But no. She, desperate to hold onto a “10”, and he knowing that he can cheat whenever he wants, because after all, she made him marry her because of the pregnancy. Two cowards, each living a lie with so many compromises they know damn well sustains what the world sees as a marriage.
What about the truth that these two adults owe to the twin daughters? Do they know the circumstances by which they were conceived? What do they have to say about their mother?
What do they fear in dating and pregnancy? Do they fear the same fate as their mother? Do they see nothing wrong in how their mother went about marriage and relationships?

All topics taboo, denied, buried and surpressed

December 6, 2008

Straight talk of everything taboo, denied, buried and surpressed.

The dream of marriage, or should I say “the fantasy of marriage” is a major tragic story in life. I’ve had the distinct pleasure–or burden– of observing that most married men are with a girl they don’t truly love, but marry her so that he won’t be alone, or to seem to be responsible to his co-workers or society by marrying the girl he inpregnated . He knows–and she does too, that when a better class of girl comes along, he shall cheat or divorce. And the wife is willing to support this behavior rather than divorcing. Case in point. I knew of this one couple back in ’86, while I was in the service. His name is Joe and her name is Terry. He didn’t marry her until a a few months before she gave birth. Co-workers said that he confided to not loving her, and on one occasion, I heard her ask him in panic, as they walked shoulder to shoulder down a hall, “Who’s gonna want me!?” I wanted to respond for him and say “How is this my problem?” She knew the consequences of opening her legs, and of dating someone so handsome, but she also knew that he had few options. He was in the military wherein most women look like orangutans, and the superiors in his command had counseled him to “step up” and take responsibility, so to not marry her would make him look bad. And he had to look good as he had to stay in the military because the nation’s economy was poor. Furthermore, to become a civilian in that economy and to have to pay child support with twin daughters would prove difficult, especially as a single man. And what woman would have him after after all of this drama? Already he had a boy with another woman and now twin girls with this second woman. The mother of his twin daughters, allthough ugly, new that he had few options, and masterfully, like a champ Go, Poker, Chess, and Checkers player, she knew that this was her only chance at marrying a 10, and she being a 2, knew that he would eventually cheat on her, but as long as he stayed in the military, his chances of meeting a decent girl were poor.

Hello world!

December 6, 2008

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